St. Anne’s Parish Hall, 199 Duke of Gloucester St, Annapolis, 21401

St. Anne’s Parish has graciously donated the use of their facilities to CYSO for rehearsals as well as storage of instruments. Please help us remain in good standing by following rules and treating their building and their members and staff with the utmost respect.

The sharing of the Parish with CYSO is rooted in the common mission to promote the arts and our youth.  As you or your child use the building, please review some of the rules we should follow as guests:

-          Do not unlock any doors, particularly exterior doors without express permission.

-          Do not litter. Dispose of any debris appropriately.

-          Clean up after yourself and your musician.

-          Do not use Parish supplies without permission.

**Sometimes a schedule conflict may occur between St. Anne’s needs of their Parish and CYSO.  CYSO will notify parents if there are any cancellations due to spacing conflicts or changes in location.



•      Please plan to drop students off 15 minutes before their rehearsal time.  This time is necessary for setting up music stands, placing chairs, unpacking and tuning instruments so that rehearsals can begin on time.

•      The earliest students can enter the building is 5PM for a 5:30PM rehearsal.  

•      All students should wait inside the building immediately after their rehearsal ends until they are picked up. Parents please be on time to pick up your children, everyone must leave the building by 9:30PM.



The entrance will be on the side of the parish house, on Charles street.

•      For the safety of all students unauthorized entry should be limited to student musicians during our rehearsal times.


Rehearsal space will be given to each ensemble and a parent waiting area.  Please do not enter other rooms other than those indicated for CYSO use.


We are asking parents and students to assist in the set-up and breakdown of rehearsal spaces.

Rehearsal space will vary from ensemble to ensemble, but typically chairs, desks, and stands and some equipment needs to be shifted or moved – any changes to a room must be undone by the end of rehearsal; all rooms are to be put back to their original setup. Conductors will provide the ensemble managers with a layout for rehearsals which will be shared with musicians and parents via email and posted on the ensemble portal.


CHAMBER ORCHESTRA            Parish Hall                                         5:00–6:30PM Monday                                                                         

SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA          Parish Hall                                         6:30–9:00PM Monday                                                                       

STRINGS ORCHESTRA                Room 102                                           6:15–7:45PM Monday

PREPARATORY ORCHESTRA  Skylight Room                                   5:30–7:00PM Monday

JR FLUTE ENSEMBLE                 Gail Vehslage Studio                         5:30–7:00PM Wednesday

SR FLUTE ENSEMBLE                 Gail Vehslage Studio                         7:00–8:30PM Wednesday

CONCERT ORCHESTRA             Parish Hall                                         6:30–9:00PM Thursday

JAZZ ENSEMBLE                          Skylight Room                                   7:00–9:00PM Thursday



Music is sent to students by email or made available in the student portal of our website. The exceptions are the JR and SR Flute Ensembles who receive their music from the conductor. Students are responsible for printing their own music copies and keeping them in a music folder. Students must have their folder, a pencil, their music, and a stand for each rehearsal and performance. CYSO does not have access to print extra materials at the Parish – students need to bring their music.



-          Students will attend all rehearsals

-          Students will attend all performances

-          Students will practice at home daily

-          All members must bring portable music stand to all rehearsals as well as their music and a pencil. Please label all stand parts.

-          Students do not touch or use any materials or items not belonging to them. This includes any and all instruments belonging to the church or another student.

-          Do not eat, drink, or read during rehearsal

-          Turn off or silence your cellphone.

-          Do not talk or disturb others, especially when you are not playing. All musicians need to give their conductor their full attention at all times.

-          You must always display respectful behavior towards your conductor, ensemble managers, and fellow musicians.  If a problem arises, please speak to your ensemble manager, who will address the issue. If the problem persists, contact the Executive Director for assistance.



Students are part of a group and as such must learn to perform as a unit which requires them to be at the rehearsals.  If they miss too many rehearsals, the conductor may decide at their discretion to not permit the student to perform at the next performance. Ensemble work is not a solo and requires the student to rehearse with the ensemble so please be respectful of all ensemble members and attend all scheduled rehearsals.


Students are responsible for their own instruments and equipment. Percussionists are the exception - they only need to supply their own sticks and mallets. They are also responsible for setting up and storing the CYSO-owned percussion equipment.

We encourage parents to insure valuable instruments.  CYSO does not assume responsibility for damage to or loss of student-owned instruments and equipment.  Please remember that students often leave their instruments on the floor, bows, etc. These can be stepped on and tripped over. This is why we encourage insurance for instruments. To ensure that your child’s musical instrument is protected, we recommend adding it to your home insurance policy. This can be done by adding a rider or endorsement to your existing policy, often referred to as scheduling your instrument. This provides coverage in case of loss, theft, or damage. Additionally, there are specialized insurance providers such as MusicPro Insurance ( that offer dedicated coverage for musical instruments. We encourage you to explore these options to find the best protection for your child’s valuable instrument.


Juries will be scheduled during each concert cycle to assess the student’s mastery of the music. Conductors will provide guidance (music passage, length, video or in person, etc) to student musicians and this will be emailed by managers.

2024-2025 CONCERTO COMPETITION: CYSO is proud to offer Juried Concerto competitions on January 11, 2025 at 10 a.m. at the Parish Hall.  Please see the website and watch for details in the weekly ensemble manager updates.



The office is located in Maryland Hall for the Performing Arts at 801 Chase St. 

The Executive Director, Dane Krich, can be contacted by phone and email.

o     Phone:  443-758-3157

o     E-Mail

The website is

Ensemble Managers can be contacted in person at rehearsal or by emailing them during the week. Conductors can be contacted through the Ensemble Managers and the Executive Director.


ENSEMBLE MANAGERS (all emails can be found on the website):

Chamber Orchestra


Concert Orchestra

JR Flute Ensemble

SR Flute Ensemble

Preparatory Orchestra Managers

String Orchestra Managers

Jazz Ensemble Managers



Ensemble Managers will email important notifications of schedule changes and upcoming concerts. Please read the emails from CYSO as they are sent in order to keep you up to date. Doing so will avoid confusion and assist your child with being accountable to his/her ensemble. Please check your spam folder if you do not receive weekly updates from your ensemble manager.


When closures are known in advance, this information will be posted on the website and emailed.

In the event of inclement weather, we will email you once a decision is made regarding rehearsal. CYSO usually follows the Anne Arundel County School cancellation policy.


Ladies: Formal black long sleeved or three-quarter length sleeved top and ankle length skirt, dress, or dressy pants (no jeans), black stockings, and black shoes.

Gentlemen: Black tuxedo or black suit with white shirt and black bow tie, black socks, and black shoes.

Jazz Ensemble only: black long-sleeved button-down shirts, black pants (no jeans), black socks, and black shoes. 


Please stay for the entire concert.  If you must leave prior to the end of the concert, please do so during the intermission.

If you must enter or leave the auditorium during the concert, please do so during applause.

If you have small children with you who are not able to remain seated or quiet, please take them out of the auditorium.

Please be sure to turn off all cell phones and other electronic equipment during the concert.

No flash photography is allowed.  Video recording and photography are for your private use only and must be done at the back or sides of the auditorium only. Due to copyright restrictions it is a violation of the law if a recorded performance of a copyrighted piece is uploaded to a public location on the internet.


Please see CYSO website for information and a complete list of audition requirements for the next season.

Auditions for the 2024-2025 will be held throughout the season by appointment if space is open for a particular



Prospective students age 8 to 21 who meet our audition requirements may receive a one-year membership when there is a vacancy in an ensemble.

Auditions will be held typically in the spring (May/June) at the end of each season for membership in the upcoming season.  Since COVID, CYSO has been offering rolling auditions, however, these auditions are only available if there are openings in an ensemble.  Once all seats are filled only the spring/fall auditions will be scheduled.

Prospective students will be scheduled for audition by the Executive Director when they do the following:

o     Complete the online Audition form.

o     Submit the Audition fee.

o     Students who have been notified of their placement become members when the non-refundable $100 tuition deposit is paid and online registration is completed.

o     The balance of the tuition fees must be paid by the first rehearsal in September, unless a payment plan has been arranged with the Executive Director.

An email will be sent to all students who audition to let them know of their placement in an ensemble.

All CYSO Musicians not currently in the JR or SR Flute Ensembles, Jazz Ensemble, or Symphony Orchestra must re-audition (this is Preparatory, Strings, Concert, Wind) for ensemble placement for the following season. Returning members of the Symphony Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, and JR and SR Flute Ensembles do not re-audition each year for those ensembles.



•      A $100.00 non-refundable tuition deposit is due upon acceptance.

•      The remainder is due by the first rehearsal of the season unless arrangements have been made in advance with the Executive Director.

•      Checks should be mailed to CYSO, 801 Chase Street, Annapolis, MD 21401.

•      Credit Card payments are accepted when tuition is paid in full.

•      Tuition is non-refundable except when the Executive Director is notified in writing by September 30th of a withdrawal.  In these cases 50% of the tuition if paid in full will be refunded.

•      Students who join CYSO after September will be charged a prorated tuition based on the number of months remaining in the season, plus the $45 Audition fee.



CYSO provides for tuition assistance, when funds are available, for families with a demonstrated need on a first come first served basis until the funds are exhausted. In order to be considered for tuition assistance, please contact Dane Krich for details.


Julien Benichou                            Music Director & Conductor, Symphony & Chamber Orchestra

                                                      Conductor, Concert Orchestra

Carlos Castrillon                           Conductor, Concert Orchestra

Robert Stojakovich                       Conductor, Strings Orchestra

Greg Metzler                                 Conductor, Preparatory Orchestra & Assistant Conductor

David Kaufman                            Conductor, Jazz Ensemble

Gail Vehslage                               Conductor, SR & JR Flute Ensemble


Julien Benichou                            Music Director (exofficio)

Dane Krich                                    Executive Director (exofficio)

Rob Alexander                              President

Anne Sloan                                   Vice President

Jane Chambers                              Secretary

Tiffany McDonald                        Treasurer

Anne Sloan                                   Historian

Ravi Bahethi                                 Member at large

Dana Bevard                                 Member at large

Dan Hurson                                   Member at large

Yvonne Lively                              Member at large

Yesook Suh                                   Member at large

J. Ernest Green                                 Member at large



Dane Krich                                    Executive Director

Cora Vare                                      Assistant

Lisa Feinman                                Book Keeper


If you would like to join our Board or fill any of the vacant positions listed, please contact Rob Alexander at




NO CYSO Rehearsal:

Monday, September 2nd, 2024- Labor Day

Thursday, October 3rd, 2024- Rosh Hashanah

Thursday, November 27th, 2024- Thanksgiving

Monday, December 23rd, 2024- Holiday Break

Thursday, December 26th, 2024- Holiday Break

Monday, December 30th, 2024- Holiday Break

Monday, January 20th, 2025- Martin Luther King Day

Monday, February 17th, 2025- Presidents Day

Monday, April 14th, 2025- Spring Break

Thursday, April 17th, 2025- Spring Break

Monday, April 21st, 2025- Spring Break

Monday, May 26th, 2025- Memorial Day


Any additional rehearsals beyond the regularly scheduled ones will be communicated to all members by the Ensemble Manager. Notification of such rehearsals will also be promptly added to the Student Portal calendar for each ensemble to ensure that all members have access to the updated schedule.

For a copy of the 2024-2025 Family Guide PDF Please Click Here